Well-Aging ist das neue Anti-Aging

Well-aging is the new anti-aging

Anti-aging, slow-aging, glow-aging: For years, beauty experts have been thinking about aging and how we can support our skin over time. The fact is: we are getting older. This cannot be prevented. But we can have a say in how we age. Above all, our skin quality is of particular importance - and that is exactly what the “well-aging” beauty revolution is all about. Dr. phil. Meike Streker is a doctor of cosmetics scientist, lecturer and expert on skin physiology and evidence-based cosmetics and explains what the term is all about and how we can support our skin with well-aging. 

Why is anti-aging now turning into well-aging?

50 is the new WOW - this sentence is often used not only in magazines. It now also seems to be firmly anchored in the minds of many women (and men), as attitudes towards aging have changed significantly in recent years. And that's for the better.

More and more people are moving toward both prevention and acceptance of aging on their own terms. The negative term ANTI-aging is therefore no longer relevant.

If you look at the science, anti-aging measures are intended to prevent or limit the process of aging. In comparison, healthy aging, what we now call healthy aging or well aging , is defined (according to the WHO) as 'the process of developing and maintaining the functional abilities that enable well-being in old age'. In concrete terms, this means that well-aging does not aim to prevent aging, but rather accompanies the aging process in such a way that the functions and quality of our organs are preserved for as long as possible,” says Dr. Meike Streker.

The beauty of the term is also its meaning. It's no longer about the AGAINST, but about doing something FOR yourself. In addition to skincare, nutrition, physical fitness, sleep and your own self-confidence are also important here. But one keyword plays an important role, especially when it comes to the skin: skin quality. Poor skin quality is noticeable, for example, through redness, dry patches or poorly hydrated skin areas.

Factors influencing the skin

There are many factors that influence the skin. Sunlight, stress, diet, sleep and environmental pollution influence the quality of the skin. Living alone in the city is more challenging for the skin than living in the country. The reason for this is air pollution. This is not only influenced by autogases or industry, but also on a small scale at home, for example, if there is a fireplace in your living room. But hormonal changes such as menopause in women also change the skin. It becomes drier and the overall supply of nutrients to the skin becomes poorer. If you know your skin's needs, you can work better for it, because it's about much more than just your skincare type.

What does the skin need?

It is important to pay attention to what the skin needs at the moment - UV filters, antioxidants, barrier-stabilizing active ingredients as well as moisturizers and lipids are essential. In addition to skin needs, age also plays a role. “From the age of 20, UV protection, antioxidants and barrier stabilization make sense. From the age of 30, AHAs are added, and from the age of 40, cell regulators such as retinol and lipids are added,” says the expert. She also says: “You should care for your skin like the best piece of clothing you have so that it can accompany us for years to come.” In the spirit of well-aging, the basic rule is: protect, balance, stabilize, maintain and renew. This way we maintain good skin quality, a beautiful glow and therefore a healthy appearance.